Friday, November 28, 2008

Raining blood

It's raining incessantly. The gloomy weather and biting cold is matched only by the horrible reality Mumbai is facing right now, played out in our living rooms through the television sets. The greatest instinct a human being has is that of survival. As you want to survive under any circumstance, you also shrink back from snuffing the life out of another being. So it makes one wonder what drives ordinary human beings to defy this instinct and run around, firing indiscriminately and killing unknown people? Who are these animals and what on earth has our life come to in today's world? Hell!

Amit verma who was near the site of the terror attack blogs about the events as he witnessed it. The worrying fact is that, after nearly 2 days since these attacks began, nearly a dozen heavily armed madmen are still roaming free in the city. How could've they carried out this operation
without the support of some locals? The media, though doing a commendable job of reporting the situation braving great odds, still continues to warm itself in the fire that burns mumbai ( 'those pictures you see are exclusive to 'times now', 'the terrorists spoke over the phone exclusively to 'Indiatv'...scum ). Politicians continue their same old job of blame game and posturing, with an eye on the upcoming elections. Most of us who are far removed from the reality but participate vicariously through the television and newspapers, return our normal lives and wait for the next big story. The noises that are being made now in the media about starting a movement against terror will soon abate as another issue explodes and our attention diverts. Violence and death are so prevalent that they don't move us anymore.

Meanwhile the madness continues unabated. Is there a solution for this bloodthirstyness? Who will rein in these horrible instincts in these people-- this hatred, perversion and apathy?


  1. I saw briefly before our Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. the tragedy that was occuring in Mumbai and it was like a punch in the stomach to see the 'coordinated' damage. I think violence and death still move us, but it hurts so much to think about it that we want to distract ourselves with anything but the truth. My hopeful thoughts for healing and restoration go to your people.

  2. What happened in Mumbai was a horror that has become all too common these days. If I had not encountered terrorists—been shot at by (at least) one—some 36 years ago, I would possibly try to downplay the dreadfulness of these fanatics. But they are real and they can create fear and even hopeless in us, if we let them.

    Vishwa, may you find hope, peace, love, and joy in these holy days. Blessings to you and yours, my dear friend.
